Posts Tagged “Hawaii Island”

Hawaii Day 8 – Lihue

We stayed at Jean’s place, an adorable Italian-American Buddhist grandmother from California. Her home was an old mid-manager 1917 plantation house. She showed me the front door which could be split into half so that the bottom half could stay closed and the top half could swing open so that managers can talk to their […]


Hawaii Day 6 – Volcano

It seems the Volcano area is constantly raining. Rain, rain, rain. So it made me wonder whether or not the constant chain smoking of the volcanoes cause an effect on the weather around the area. According to my nifty Google search, it changes the atmosphere and climate because all the ash that gets thrown up […]


Hawaii Day 7 – Puna Coast

I woke up nice and early to the sound of – yep, rain. This time it was knocking incessantly on the tin roof as if to tell me to hurry up and move on to the next town. I told the rain “Alright, alright – I’m outta here!” to which the wind howled in relief […]


Hawaii Day 4 – Garden Eel Cove

Sorry guys, today is another visually unexciting blog post as I spent most of my time underwater. Paige and I had a very chill start to the day where we let our bodies sleep in, rest and relax. Once the early afternoon rolled in, it was time to get ready to go into Kona town. […]


Hawaii Day 2 – Waipio, Waimea, Hawi & Mauna Kea

I woke up nice and early at 5:30am because of jet lag but I was surrounded by views of lush jungle, sounds of tweeting birds and the slow onset of the Hawaiian sun. Once Paige woke up we got on our merry way to the end of the Hamakua coast at Waipio Valley. This was […]