I had a lovely day yesterday. I started my day working my first day at Nightlife Music (digital advertising/music firm) as a marketing assistant. I met the 90+ staff there which was absolutely daunting but got settled right into their friendly work culture.

I then had to do the scary task of catching my very first Brisbane train… you would have thought after living here for over a decade I would’ve had to have done it before. I think I did it once in primary school for the Ekka but can’t recall any other times. Desh taught me the night before to look on Translink and let them do the hard part, so I did.

And I did exactly what they told me to do but oh no, oh no – it took me right out West rather than South Brisbane which is what I wanted. So I decided not to listen to my phone and went with my intuition. Why didn’t I go with that first? I’m so good at navigating overseas public transport systems yet I freaked out in my own hometown haha.

I finally got to South Brisbane and rushed to find where the Gallery of Modern Art was. Well, take another point off my knowledge of Brisbane I didn’t even know where GOMA was. It was okay though, as I was lost I found some lovely spots where I could shoot the client whom I was about to meet.

Okay, I’m no photographer. I’m working on creating a website for an iconic interior designer from Sydney, Edwina Hirst. She is seasoned in the industry and I am just gobsmacked that I get to work with such high calibre. Anyway, that meant I had to try and play photographer so that we could get some beautiful profile photos for her biography.

I had a lovely afternoon trying my best to work the camera. Afterwards, I lingered a while and checked out the gallery then walked over to Southbank to meet my friend Jev who lives up north in Atherton for dinner. We grabbed American food, then grabbed a coffee at Max Brenner then headed to the south side so that he could enjoy some bubble tea which doesn’t exist in Northern Queensland.

I had a strict schedule – so I dragged him home to see my mum after many years and made him watch The Bachelor. It’s a show mum and I watch together which is absolutely horrible and drenched with fake people but much like our love for Celine Dion, it’s our guilty pleasure.

The crowd funding has been going so well, I am absolutely stoked. Since it’s beginning I’ve been so blessed to have it featured on Art Funding’s Instagram account 3 times, be the Pozible Spotlight on The Brisbane Edit and be the Project of the Week on French media site, Good Morning Crowdfunding. If, for some reason, you’d like to read the article in French (definitely makes my campaign sexier) then you can find it here: La Chanteuse Deena Lynch

If you haven’t had a look at the campaign – it’s right here: Deena Second Album
Last I looked we’re sitting at $4,909!!
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