After we had breakfast, we started off our day by jumping on the Skyline Gondola to check out the magnificent view of Queenstown. Wow, it was absolutely breathtaking. And to think that mixing nature with civilisation would still be pretty.

Luckily, the weather held off for us. It seemed like it would’ve been such a fine, clear day. As soon as we got back down to the ground, the clouds rolled in fashionably late and cracked out the wind and rain. We were so glad that we got up there while we did.

The gondolas climb a steep 450m up the hill. Once at the top of the viewpoint, we were sitting at 790m above sea level.

After having lunch and strolling through Queenstown city (and scoring some crazy op shop bargains) – I decided to swing by Arrowtown again. The weather wasn’t being friendly enough for any of the planes and boats to head out so I had nothing else to do.

This time I strolled a little beyond the town centre to enjoy the architecture. Also, I took Franz Josef the Udon Sheep out for a stroll… but you’ll see that later on.

We then returned to Queenstown city to enjoy some French at Pier19. Between my mum and I, we shared a NZ Merino Lamb shoulder. I was stuffed to the brim. I told my mum she would have to roll me back to the hotel.
So.. because of the horrible weather that restricted my day’s outings, I had to get a little creative (or desperate). Please enjoy the exhibition of A Day in the Life Of Franz Josef the Sheep Who Has an Asian Name of Udon. Normally, I let you enjoy the exhibition on its own, but I think this one needs captions.

Waking up…

From a one night stand

Disappointed at the weather

But its not going to stop him anyway. Time to do a vanity check!

And have a cup of tea to get his wee little caffeine hit.

Leaving the hotel

And going for a morning stroll by the lake…

Swinging by the post office, to send off fan mail..

Then hanging out at Arrowtown Public Library to borrow some books

Calling up his ghetto hood friends to get up to no good

But then the police deterred his plans

So it was time to ponder overlooking the gorgeous park

But the rain struck so he had to seek shelter

Wishing that he could be outside but the miserable sky would fuzz up his Merino wool coat

Then… the sky was generous so he went out to smell the flowers

Called in to see some friends…

But they weren’t home

That’s okay, because Franz Josef loves strolling so he continued to saunter through the woods..

The sun fell and the skies darkened, so it was time to drive back to the hotel…

And he managed to crash a wedding.

Deena Lynch is a respectable photographic roleplay artist hailing from Brisbane, Australia. Her subjects are often ridiculously cute, plump sheep plushies that display an array of emotions that allow Lynch to portray emotive portraits. In her spare time, she dabbles in music.

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