Today was a public holiday so wherever we decided to go.. it was going to be hectic. Harajuku and Omotesando was so busy! I’m guessing all the countryside people came in to Tokyo for the long weekend to do some shopping. We first headed to Takeshita Street.. and feasted our eyes on the interesting alter egos that can be catered for in the shops here.



LGM outfits for your little pups! AWWWWWW!!! I totally would’ve gotten a super small one for Bun Bun. She would’ve hated on me haha.

James & his architectural perspective photos

We eventually made our way to Omotosesando. There we met up with Aunty Lala – my mum’s old time friend for coffee, lunch and some more shopping. We had some coffee and ice cream here at this cute warehouse cafe. Due to all the people flocking in, most awesome places had lines for hours. Crazy.

For lunch I went a bit nuts and had to try Italian udon. The others stuck with traditional ones haha… it was creamy mushroom and bacon soup with udon noodles. It was really weird and interesting.. yet delicious too..

Cute little weird Shiba Inu.

Harajuku Crepes.. was really delicious. I got a banana, caramel and custard one. It wasn’t overly sweet at all to my surprise so it was actually quite easy to smash down.

We then headed to Shibuya. There I bought some stuff for mum… it was a bit crazy because we used Aunty Lala’s iPad to Facetime my mum so she can see what she wanted to buy from Tokyuu and Seibu department stores haha. New age technology hey?
Ended up getting two Takeo Kikuchi hats for my grandpa and a family friend. I just realised the brand was one of the buildings James took a photo of through his architectural eyes in Omotesando previously.

This man from Napoli was doing custom jewelry made from shell. What amazing talent!

Hachiko – a famous Akita Inu dog that met with his owner everyday at the station after work. After his owner passed away, Hachiko continued to go to the station everyday at the same time for 9 years to try and meet with his owner. I guess he became a symbol of loyalty and affection throughout Japan. Such a sweet and sad story though.

At 8pm we met with Shingo, family friend who I went to Hokkaido with to go and have yakiniju (BBQ). We went to Ushigoro Bambina in Shibuya and it was decadently delicious. The first floor was a standing burger bar, second floor was just tables and the third floor were individual booths and private rooms. We have no idea what we really ate except that it was beef. We ordered the ‘moriawase’ which is a variety of different cuts. It was surprising how different each cut tasted though it came from the same source.

After we came back to Ebisu station – I was really craving green tea ice cream. I found this Japanese ice creamery that wasn’t influenced by American or foreign flavours and it was more than what I bargained for. I got Hojicha, Kinako and Matcha ice cream (Roasted green tea, Soybean flour & Green tea)… I think I’m going to have this everyday until I leave, it was that good. They gave us a biscuit wafer thing which was really good too, have never had anything like it. The only thing I didn’t like was the dried salty seaweed that you are meant to eat beforehand.

Phone snaps from Harajuku.. cute room socks.

I bought way too much from ‘Chicago’

We went through a string of second hand stores and I just can’t believe the many racks of branded stuff that were being sold for cheap. Nothing was to my fancy but.. just the sheer tonne of clothes amazes me. Apparently the fashionistas and Tokyoites of Japan get very fed up with their branded items quite quickly.. many of them are moved on from their closets after the season is over.

Oh and fur…. I was enjoying patting them but also kind of shocked as to how much fur there was… and some of them in pure animal form like taxidermy. Ughhhhghhghhgh.

Pretty much the whole animal right there.. legs and arms.. Yuck haha as if you want that around your neck its spooky.

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