Well, I got hit on my last day with the typhoon. It was a drastic change from the previous night’s humid heats.
In the morning I went to Tokyo Station to meet at the popular meeting place, Gin no Suzu. I met up with Taiga Yamazaki, independent Japanese artist and his wife for chats and hangs. We’ve got a big announcement to make soon though…
Afterwards, I had lunch with my mum and her friend. They met when my mum was living in Japan for 16 years, they’re both Taiwanese but fluent in Japanese. It astonishes me how these two women are able to speak so many languages. I am both jealous and mesmerised. I was also mesmerised at my Japanese BBQ lunch – I love love love BBQ.
I then met up with my father to squeeze in the last few hours of my trip with him. We explored Shibuya once again and was met with many puns, rude dwarfs and then a self-timer selfie on the subway.
It was then time to go back home. I took a bus to the airport and had a final tonkatsu dinner on my own. I then enjoyed a 9 hour flight which is never fun. My legs and feet got so swollen I have never seen it get so big… I could hardly fit into my shoes. That was weird but at least I’m safe and home now and suffering from post holiday blues. When I got my luggage back it was drenched inside out from the typhoons. Anything paper wise didn’t survive.
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